Influencer marketing has surged in popularity in recent years — remarkably at the very same time leading commentators from the New York Times and elsewhere have reported on the decline of the news media and its troubling future. Even non-celebrity endorsers offer enormous power over people in a Continue Reading
CARU’s New Metaverse Guidelines: Safeguarding Children in the Digital Frontier
The Bottom Line The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), a division of BBB National Programs, recently announced guidelines for child-directed advertising and privacy in the metaverse (the Metaverse Guardrails). Although the metaverse creates innovative, educational and entertaining Continue Reading
Blurred Lines: FTC Report Finds Blurred Advertising Can Harm Kids
The Bottom Line Children and teens are spending a considerable amount of time in immersive environments, where advertising content can be difficult to distinguish from entertainment, educational or other content.Following a wave of recent Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Continue Reading
D+G Hosted Event | Welcome to the New Era of Influencer Marketing: Reaping the Rewards while Reducing Your Risk
The Quick Details Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023Time: Registration - 6:00 pm (EDT) | Presentation - 6:30 - 7:30 pm (EDT) | Networking - 7:30 pm (EDT) Location: Davis+Gilbert LLP (1675 Broadway, New York, NY)RSVP by: September 6, 2023 Session Overview It's a wide digital Continue Reading
The Deep Dive: FTC Updates Endorsement Guides for Modern Marketing and Advertising
The Bottom Line The FTC has revised its Endorsement Guides to take into account how businesses reach modern consumers in the digital era. Brands, agencies and influencers should revisit their standard policies and practices now to ensure they comply with the FTC’s new guidance.Many commonly used Continue Reading
Association of National Advertisers | Legal Affairs Committee Webinar | Stay in Compliance Without Losing Your Edge
Quick Details Date | May 11, 2:00 PM ET Location | Online Presenters Session Overview Every year, new trends, technologies and threats profoundly impact the business landscape. This year's top advertising and marketing issues are largely focused on one theme: Protection. Marketers Continue Reading
FTC Orders The Bountiful Company to Pay $600,000 in Fines in First Case Challenging “Review Hijacking”
The Bottom Line Review hijacking can result in a misperception that consumers have reviewed and endorsed products that they have not actually used. Brands should be mindful when creating relationships between products or integrating new products or formulations onto webpages for existing Continue Reading
Top 10 Advertising and Marketing Issues for 2023
The top advertising and marketing issues this year are largely focused on one theme: Protection. Marketers will need to be aware of various trends that could threaten their intellectual property rights, reputations and market shares. Meanwhile, regulators are focusing on ensuring consumers — Continue Reading
Public Relations Society of America New York Chapter | High Risks, High Rewards: Navigating the Changing Influencer Marketing Landscape
Davis+Gilbert will speak on a Public Relations Society of America New York Chapter (PRSA NY) webinar on September 29. Allison Fitzpatrick, Davis+Gilbert Advertising + Marketing partner and Paavana Kumar, Davis+Gilbert Advertising + Marketing associate, will be presenting a session entitled Continue Reading
The Top 10 Advertising and Marketing Issues to Watch for in 2022
The Bottom Line 2022 has the potential to be a major year for the advertising and marketing industry — new laws and guidance are going into effect, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reviewing various guides, and new enforcement priorities have emerged. We expect that a number of trends Continue Reading