The retail and e-commerce sector will continue its dynamic transformation in 2024, as industry giants and startups alike leverage cutting-edge technologies and innovative marketing strategies. All the while, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state attorneys general are busy restocking the legal Continue Reading
Are Your Aspirations Attainable? New York Attorney General Challenges “Net Zero” Claims
The Bottom Line 63% of Americans are influenced by a corporation’s environmental reputation when making purchasing decisions – and 48% of Americans “have either chosen one product over another or stopped purchasing a product based on the environmental record” of the product’s Continue Reading
2024 Top 10 Advertising + Marketing Trends: Balancing Risks & Rewards
The marketing and advertising landscape in 2024 presents a complex tapestry of evolving regulations, groundbreaking technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors. These changes are not just trends: they are signals of a fundamental transformation in the way brands connect with their Continue Reading
Aspirational Green Claims: NARB Finds Net Zero Claims Unsupported
The Bottom Line A recent decision from NARB helps illustrate the fine line between a feasible plan to achieve an environmental goal, and the exploratory stages of an aspirational effort.Environmental marketing claims continue to present risk and may lead to challenges – companies must ensure that Continue Reading
Top 10 Advertising and Marketing Issues for 2023
The top advertising and marketing issues this year are largely focused on one theme: Protection. Marketers will need to be aware of various trends that could threaten their intellectual property rights, reputations and market shares. Meanwhile, regulators are focusing on ensuring consumers — Continue Reading
National Advertising Division’s 2022 Annual Conference | Sustainability – What’s New and What’s Next?
Davis+Gilbert is a proud sponsor of the National Advertising Division’s (NAD) Annual Conference to be held in Washington D.C. on September 19-20. As a member of the annual conference planning committee, Ronald Urbach, Davis+Gilbert Advertising + Marketing partner/co-chair, will moderate a Continue Reading
Evergreen Focus on Green Marketing at the National Advertising Division
8th Edition: Trends in Marketing Communications Law The National Advertising Division’s role (NAD) in evaluating green marketing is significantly important because the FTC’s Green Guides (which are used to help guide both legal advice and business decisions) were last updated in 2012 and are Continue Reading
The Top 10 Advertising and Marketing Issues to Watch for in 2022
The Bottom Line 2022 has the potential to be a major year for the advertising and marketing industry — new laws and guidance are going into effect, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reviewing various guides, and new enforcement priorities have emerged. We expect that a number of trends Continue Reading