The Bottom Line The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) recently released its updated model sexual harassment prevention policy and training materials (including a script and slide deck, which can be found here). Having a legally compliant policy and conducting annual Continue Reading
New Federal Law Limits Enforceability of Predispute Nondisclosure and Nondisparagement Clauses Related to Sexual Harassment
Bottom Line The federal Speak Out Act limits the enforceability of predispute nondisclosure and nondisparagement provisions related to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault.Employers should review and, if necessary, revise standard employment and restrictive covenant agreements to Continue Reading
New York County Lawyers Association Amicus Curiae Podcast | A Conversation Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Act of 2021
Jessica Cortes, was featured as a guest on New York Country Lawyers Association's Amicus Curiae Podcast episode entitled "A Conversation - Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Act of 2021." Session Overview The NYCLA Amicus Curiae Podcast will discuss the new Continue Reading
Illinois Workplace Transparency Act Goes Into Effect January 1, 2020
The Bottom Line With the January 1, 2020 effective date of the Act rapidly approaching, Illinois employers should: Update confidentiality and separation agreements to include all compliant language to ensure enforceability of the agreements;Revise anti-harassment policies to preclude harassment Continue Reading
New York State Provides Additional Guidance on Expanded Workplace Harassment Prevention Requirements
The Bottom Line Employers in New York State should prepare a Sexual Harassment Prevention Notice for their workplace attaching and/or linking to their harassment prevention policy and training materials, and ensure that this Notice is included in their onboarding and training materials. Employers Continue Reading
Employers Need to Promptly Raise Plaintiff’s Failure to File Charges with the EEOC
The Bottom Line With Fort Bend, the Supreme Court has set limits on an employer’s ability to dismiss a Title VII claim when the employee failed to raise a parallel claim with the EEOC. The Fort Bend decision serves as a warning that employers should promptly conduct a careful review of a Title Continue Reading
International Lawyers Network’s Sexual Harassment in the Workplace | What US: Multi-State Companies Need to Know
In the wake the of the #MeToo movement, lawmakers have acted to ensure that victims of sexual harassment are not silenced. Several states have mandated employee training and policy requirements, as well as passed laws that limit or prohibit non-disclosure provisions in settlement agreements. Continue Reading
California Employers Required to Provide Sexual Harassment Prevention Training to All Employees by January 1, 2020
Update as of September 2019 The Bottom Line In further statutory recognition of the #MeToo movement, California — like New York — has implemented more stringent training requirements for employers. On September 30, 2018, California passed SB 1343, a bill requiring all California Continue Reading
New York State Publishes Final Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and Training Materials
As we previously reported in April 2018, New York State lawmakers recently passed legislation aimed at combating workplace sexual harassment. The changes called for in the legislation include requiring employers to implement sexual harassment prevention policies and training. More than Continue Reading
Stop Sexual Harassment Act Poster and Information Sheet Issued by NYC Commission on Human Rights
The Bottom Line To prepare for the new sexual harassment prevention requirements imposed by New York City law, employers should post the mandatory anti-sexual harassment rights and responsibilities poster in both English and Spanish. Employers should also incorporate the mandatory information Continue Reading