The Bottom Line With the MPWFA's April 1, 2018 effective date quickly approaching, Massachusetts employers should review and revise their handbook policies, onboarding notices and HR practices to ensure that they comply with the law’s notice obligations and requirements to provide reasonable Continue Reading
No Harm, No Foul? Individualized Consent Issues Sink TCPA Class Action
The Bottom Line The Northern District of Illinois' practical approach to analyzing whether lack of consent gives rise to actionable harm under the TCPA, and whether this issue can truly be determined on a class-wide basis, may represent a significant victory for businesses that rely heavily on Continue Reading
First Circuit Requires Identifiable Injury for Claims Asserting Deceptive Retailer “Compare At” Prices
The Bottom Line Recent decisions from the First Circuit reign in consumers' ability to bring actions alleging false advertising in retailers' "Compare At" pricing, unless a consumer can demonstrate actual, identifiable harm separate from the mere purchase of a good in order to claim damages. Continue Reading
Beginning July 1, 2017, Chicago and Cook County Employers Must Provide Paid Sick Leave
The Bottom Line Employers with workers in Chicago and/or Cook County should review their existing paid sick leave and paid time off policies to ensure compliance with the applicable Ordinance(s) and begin preparing to comply with their accrual, carryover and notice obligations by July 1, 2017 if no Continue Reading