Quick Details
- Date April 17, 2024
- Time 9:30 – 9:55 am ET
- Location Webinar
Session Overview
Complex questions and issues for lawyers are being raised due to the vastly sped up pace of companies utilizing promotional tools and vehicles, including the most current forms of technological changes. Adding to this are recent sweeping updates to social media laws, the growing labyrinth of federal and state privacy restrictions and recent FTC cases on dark patterns. In this session, Allison Fitzpatrick (Partner, Advertising + Marketing) and Alexa Meera Singh (Associate, Advertising + Marketing) the delicate children’s advertising ecosystem, focusing on new rules and enforcement reflecting differing federal and state views on what is appropriate for children to view.
- Allison Fitzpatrick, Partner, Advertising + Marketing
- Alexa Meera Singh, Associate, Advertising + Marketing