The Bottom Line Recently enacted legislation in New York State has resulted in a number of developments impacting employers and employees. Effective June 19, 2024, New York employers will be required to provide nursing employees with 30-minute paid lactation breaks. Beginning January 1, 2025, Continue Reading
New York State Department of Labor Releases Updated Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy and Training Guidance
The Bottom Line The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) recently released its updated model sexual harassment prevention policy and training materials (including a script and slide deck, which can be found here). Having a legally compliant policy and conducting annual Continue Reading
New Jersey WARN Amendments Broaden Employer Obligations
The Bottom Line Amendments to the NJ Mini-WARN Law create broader employer coverage, new definitions of “mass layoff” and “establishment,” and notice and severance requirements.New Jersey employers implementing layoffs should consult with counsel to determine whether the NJ Mini-WARN Law applies Continue Reading
NLRB Finds Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Clauses in Severance Agreement Unlawful
The Bottom Line The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that inclusion of confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions in separation agreements is unlawful.Employers should consult with counsel on how to update their agreements in light of this decision.It is unclear whether inclusion of Continue Reading
The FTC’s Sweeping Proposal to Ban Non-Competes
The Bottom Line In the three weeks since the proposed rule was released, the FTC has received over 5,600 comments, and many more are expected from interested individuals, companies, industry groups and trade associations.Until the final rule, if any, is implemented, companies should continue to Continue Reading
New Federal Law Limits Enforceability of Predispute Nondisclosure and Nondisparagement Clauses Related to Sexual Harassment
Bottom Line The federal Speak Out Act limits the enforceability of predispute nondisclosure and nondisparagement provisions related to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault.Employers should review and, if necessary, revise standard employment and restrictive covenant agreements to Continue Reading
California Employers: California Privacy Rights Act in Full Force on Jan. 1, 2023
The Bottom Line Employers’ obligations will expand considerably as of Jan. 1, 2023, given the expiration of the CPRA employee data exemption.California employers will need to comply with notice obligations and new individual rights, such as access and deletion.California employers should take Continue Reading
New York City and California Pay Transparency Laws: What Employers Need to Know
The Bottom Line New York City’s pay transparency law will require employers to include salary ranges in job postings beginning on November 1, 2022.California employers will also be required to disclose this information effective January 1, 2023.Employers should promptly review their internal Continue Reading
New York Employers Required To Notify Employees of Electronic Monitoring
The Bottom Line New York employers should review the scope of their electronic monitoring and determine which monitoring processes and activities could be covered by the new legislation.Starting May 7, 2022, employers that monitor or otherwise intercept employee phone, email and/or internet usage Continue Reading
New York Whistleblower Statute Amended to Significantly Expand Worker Protections
New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed Senate Bill S4394A on October 28, 2021, significantly expanding protections under New York’s whistleblower statute, New York Labor Law Section 740. Section 740 previously prohibited New York employers from retaliating against employees who disclosed or Continue Reading