The Bottom Line In the latest expansion of California’s family and medical leave law, effective January 1, 2021, employers with five or more employees will be required to provide unpaid family and medical leave to qualifying employees. The new law, SB 1383, also allows employees to take Continue Reading
Summer Camp Closures and Cancelled Enrichment Programs Allow Working Parents to Request Paid Leave from Covered Employers
The Bottom Line The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to allow an eligible employee to take paid leave to care for a child whose school or “place of care” is closed due to COVID-19 and no other suitable person is available to care Continue Reading
New Jersey Expands Sick Leave, Family Leave and Temporary Disability Benefits
The Bottom Line New Jersey’s Governor recently signed into law a series of bills expanding New Jersey’s Earned Sick Leave Law (NJ ESL), Family Leave Act (NJ FLA) and Temporary Disability Benefits Law (NJ TDB) in order to provide additional benefits to employees impacted by COVID-19 and other Continue Reading
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act: What You Need to Know
Update Since this alert was first published there have been updates to the Paycheck Protection Program addressing what the new program covers and how small businesses can participate. To review the latest information, please consult our COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program Updates FAQs. The Continue Reading
New York State Implements Sick Leave for Employees Required to Quarantine or Self-Isolate By Government Order
The Bottom Line On March 18, 2020 the New York State Legislature passed, and Governor Cuomo signed into law, a mandatory sick leave law benefitting many employees in New York State affected by the COVID-19 crisis. New York’s new law sets forth minimum requirements for employers to provide Continue Reading
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act: What Employers Need to Know
The Bottom Line On March 14, 2020, the House passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the Act), which the Senate is expected to approve in sum and substance sometime this week. President Trump has expressed approval for the legislation, which will go into effect 15 days Continue Reading
New Jersey Expands Scope of Paid Family Leave and Benefits
The Bottom Line New Jersey employers should review and revise their leave policies as necessary to comply with the new requirements. They should also be prepared to field increased requests for leave, given the expanded circumstances under which employees may take family leave. Additionally, Continue Reading
Employers May be Required to Accommodate Employees Who Request to Work Part Time Due to a Disability, Even if They had Previously Worked in Full-Time Roles
The Bottom Line The fact that less than half of disabled individuals of typical working age report having jobs, despite protective laws like the ADA, means that courts are increasingly sympathetic to the requests of the disabled for accommodations. The Hostettler decision highlights a common Continue Reading
NYC Expands Employee Rights to Request Temporary Work Schedule Changes and Use Paid Sick Time for “Safe Time” Purposes
The Bottom Line New York City employers should act quickly to ensure compliance with new laws that expand employee rights to request temporary schedule changes and use paid sick time for "safe time" purposes. At a minimum, employers should update employee handbooks to: Explain the procedures that Continue Reading
Massachusetts Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Goes Into Effect on April 1, 2018
The Bottom Line With the MPWFA's April 1, 2018 effective date quickly approaching, Massachusetts employers should review and revise their handbook policies, onboarding notices and HR practices to ensure that they comply with the law’s notice obligations and requirements to provide reasonable Continue Reading