Aaron K. Taylor, Advertising + Marketing partner, will speak at the New York City State Bar Association’s “Marketing and Advertising Law in a Rapidly Changing Social/Digital Media Environment” at a session titled “Influencer Marketing & the FTC Endorsement Guides” taking place in New York on May 10.
Conferece Overview
More and more, companies are using promotional tools including sweepstakes, skill contests, and hybrid versions thereof, all while struggling to keep pace with the speed of technological change on new platforms and technologies delivering these programs. Social media laws applying to posting and tweeting in “real-time marketing”, Fantasy sports, sports betting and e-sports developments in Ad Tech are rapidly changing. The collection and use of data post GDPR, the growth and importance of regulations on apps and the enormous increase of privacy-related issues, raise complex questions and issues for the practicing bar. In this program, experts in the field will address the critical issues that arise when offering games and other promotions relevant to today’s marketplace.