Michael C. Lasky, Partner/Chair of the Public Relations Law Practice Group and Co-Chair of the Litigation + Dispute Resolution Practice Group, and Brad J. Schwartzberg, Partner/Co-Chair of the Corporate + Transaction Practice Group at Davis+Gilbert LLP, will speak at a session titled “Preparing for Sale – It’s Never too Early!” during the ICCO Global Summit to be held in Dublin, Ireland on October 4-5. The ICCO Global Summit brings together senior PR and communications professionals from around the world.
Session Overview
For most owners of PR firms, their ownership interest represents a significant percentage of their personal net worth. This asset requires time, attention and care in order to maximize its value. Simply doing good work is just not enough. With an ever increasing appetite from private equity shops, as well as mid-sized and larger independents looking to expand internationally through strategic merger and acquisitions, it is important for owners of PR firms to understand what they should (or in some circumstances “should not”) be doing to best position their firms to capitalize on an acquisition opportunity.
Gaining a better understanding and taking steps necessary to increase the enterprise value of your firm not only makes it a more attractive target, but it will likely result in more efficient operations and increased profitability even in the absence of a sale. The goal is to ensure that the owner(s) of the firm has the best information so they can make smart business decisions about their company going forward. If you are a business owner and have any thought of selling your business – whether sometime soon or off in the future, the more you plan, the better the outcome.
Attendees will learn why, when and how one should prepare for the sale of a business and what to expect as part of the sale process. Among other topics, this program will cover:
- What considerations go into deciding when it is the right time to sell
- Ways to best position a company for sale to enhance enterprise value and purchase price
- How to anticipate and avoid deal breaking issues with a buyer
- Ways to incentivize and retain second tier management
- Managing risks associated with sale