The Bottom Line The FTC is, once again, making it clear that all involved parties have a duty to comply with the FTC’s rules regarding paid endorsements and native advertising practices — and that it is equally willing to take action against agencies and publishers when they violate these rules. Continue Reading
Legal Risks Abound as the World Cup Kicks Into Gear
The Bottom Line Although Russia's World Cup Law is not enforceable in the United States — and we cannot advise on marketing activities conducted in Russia — FIFA has made clear that it views ambush marketing in whatever form as unlawful and infringing on its intellectual property rights. Continue Reading
Possibility Defeats Practicality: Federal Court of Appeals Limits Class Action Defense Regarding Infeasibility of Ascertaining Class Members
The Bottom Line Given the split among several courts of appeal, Petrobras will not be the last word on ascertainability in class action suits. Indeed, this fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider a petition for certiorari regarding the certification of a plaintiff class allegedly lacking Continue Reading